Friday, June 29, 2012

Kiss and Kiss.

and yes, i'm in love :)


for letting me know, not every quarrels mean a break up.
for talking on the phone with me almost everyday.
for introducing me to your friends.
for all the stayovers.
for telling me being insecure is normal.
for making me feel 'this guy really loves me'.
 and i can go on, and on, and on... 

and because everything is so different,
it feels like i just got into a relationship for the first time in my life -_-

i'm so happy you are back.
it's just nice to have you around although u annoy me so much all the time.
but it's all because u love me.
although i keep saying you are selfish and you set double standards etc,
i'm sorry, but deep down,
i truly feel loved (:

i nomu nomu nomu nomu nomu love you b.

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